Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The V Word

Kinda early, but it's on the brain. I bought some Valentines Day decorations for a Vday box I'm sending to D. I kept the extras to decorate my workspace.

In the past couple of days, fellow co-workers have expressed their disdain for Singles Awareness Day. I get it. It sucks not being in the "in crowd". But to be perfectly honest, some of my most favorite Valentine's Day memories have been hanging out with my friends.

They may have been like any other night on the town with friends, but there is some sort of comfort in being around people going through the same emotional situation that is Valentine's Day.

I have only had a Valentine two of the 28 times the official love day has come around. And let me tell you, I could have lived without them.

The first one was my senior year of high school. I was supposed to have a romantic evening with my boyfriend which included some golden french fries from McDonalds and quality time in his mom's mini-van. Well that was a bust. My best friend was having drama with her boyfriend that night so I spent the entire night helping her.

The second one you ask? Well my boyfriend spent 4 hours working on his motorcycle while I sat in his boring apartment watching DVDs since he didn't have any cable. To make things worse, my sister called to tell me she was engaged. I cried. Mainly cause I was happy, but partly cause I wanted to go kick my boyfriend's bike to the floor. That little piece of crap.

The truth of the matter is that it's just another day. And as long as you are in good company (people you love), then count your blessings. True love, whether it's the love of a friend, family member, or significant other, is hard to find. And who doesn't love love? So celebrate all the true loves in your life and don't hate on my decorations! You know who you are!

Love and Lemons,


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Back To December

One year ago today I remember sitting outside on my friend Amanda's backyard patio table thinking, "If her cousin comes and sits over here with that damn cigarette, I'm gonna get up and leave." I did go inside, but somehow didn't escape him. :) We talked, played rock band, he ruined my white shirt by spilling wine all over it (just kidding), and later that night asked me out on a date. I'm so thankful I didn't leave the party early like I originally planned. 

The tingly feeling you get in the beginning of a relationship is like an amazing high. I go back to December all the time and remember not wanting to leave you for just one minute. 
I've had some great times with him despite some ups and downs here and there. :) I love just laying in bed and watching movies. I love going to Cheesecake Factory and eating way too much food. I love spending Sundays in San Clemente with him. I love the feeling of your arms around me and kissing you. I love it all and can't wait until he is back so we can do it all again! 

Know that I'm here just waiting for you. I miss my handsome man! I can't wait until April is here. Time isn't going by fast enough. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

These Days

I remember my freshman year of college. A sorority sister of mine was dating a marine. After they broke up, he went crazy. Wasn't surprising to me, I really didn't think that much of military guys. Don't tell my dad and uncles I said that. And after that, I vowed never to date someone in the military. I however was not above going to the Marine Corp Ball just months after that happened. What girl is gonna pass an opportunity to get all fancied up?

Cut to a couple of years later (ok more like a decade) and here I am. Glass of wine in hand trying to soothe my nerves from another day of him not here.

I met D years ago. Since he was a marine, I brushed him off (after I made out with him of course). It wasn't until my friend's housewarming party that we were reunited. I remember thinking if that guy comes and sits at this table with that disgusting  cigarette, I'm gonna get up and leave. I didn't. In fact, I spent the rest of the night with  him. And then he left me!

Off to spend a couple of weeks at home with his family back east. We talked a lot while he was over there and when he came back I was his girlfriend. We had fun, broke up, and then started seeing each other again. And once again, he left me.

3am on Camp Pendleton's parade deck isn't the greatest place to be. Women sobbing, men clinging to their children for a last goodbye, and young boys about to turn into men. I got caught up in all of it. Then it was time for my goodbye. You know that type of crying that hurts so much you can't even talk? That sucks. It lasted all day.

It's been a month since he left. I got a few emails here and there, but it doesn't help. Knowing someone you care about so much is facing life or death at every moment of every day isn't an easy thing to deal with. I spend more time thinking about him than I do on my life. Checking websites to see the latest caualties; message boards to see who has heard from their marine; RSS feeds to see the latest update from his can drive a person insane.

But what can you do? Nothing. You can't do anything. You can sit and worry and pray and cry and just hope in 7 months he comes home. So that's what I'll do. I'll sit, worry, cry, and just wait for him to come back.

Please come back.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A List of Things I can't wait for...

A list of things I can't wait for in no particular order:

Set class with Vicky
to finally watch Up...stupid evil yellow tab
a green beer
to see my little love bug
David to come back home
the weekend
a new computer and SLR camera
a vacation
the Lady Gaga concert in August
and my beachfront property acquired by my music career taking off.